Welcome to CASSI!
The Cancer Symptom Science Interventions (CASSI) research team is located within the College of Nursing at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK). CASSI identifies safe, efficacious, and easily disseminated interventions for cancer-related symptoms. We share our findings through peer-reviewed publications, community education events, and the classroom, so cancer survivors might be free to live more fully.
CASSI Interventions
CASSI interventions for cancer-related symptoms include self-hypnosis for hot flashes, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia, and virtual reality for cognitive fatigue. The National Institute of Health (NIH), Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) and other public and private cancer research funders support CASSI investigators. View the current studies page for information on active CASSI studies.
Upcoming Event!
Dr. Noël Arring will be presenting for the Cancer Support Community in November! Visit the upcoming events page for more details!
Resources for cancer survivors and those in the cancer community are coming soon!